Photograph by Alexandre Ghandour / GraphicDesign by Fjopus7
Three weeks ago, now… the evening of the 23rd of October 2021, between 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, the Exhibition & Performance “Code In Arcade” took place at Les Marécottes, in Valais, Switzerland
A fantastic and beautiful event – an impulse for experimentation and exchanges in art.

Artworks from the artists Jeanne et Moreau (first image hereunder), Ian Heisters (second image hereunder) were presented in the alcoves of the Water Dam built in 1925 by Alexandre Sarrasin.
And during 1:00 (6:45-7:45 PM), La Collective??? (third -fourth – fifth image hereunder) performed in/within this architecture and the surrounding environment.

Where to find artworks from the artists’ event
Photography lies but i have other romantic ideas, 2019
Jeanne et Moreau are –
Gesture#2, Gesture#3, Gestures#4, 2018
Ian Heisters –
La Collective ??? –
THANKS for the financial and logistic support
The Canton du Valais ArtPro grant & the Commune de Salvan
Jeanne et Moreau, Ian Heisters, La Collective ??? for sharing your amazing projects with us! Franck Juncker, CFF / SBB and especially Yvan Vouillamoz, Michèle Gay, Thierry and Bertrand from the Commune de Salvan, the owners of the fields beside the Water Dam: Family Bochatay and Family Cergneux, Family Coquoz for giving us electricity for the exhibition, EDHEA especially Christophe Démoulin and HES-SO, Neoprint in Morges, Anne-Catherine Sutermeister and Hélène Joye-Cagnard from the Service de la culture and Jacques Cordonnier for his support and follow-up. Finally, of course, everybody who came and believed in this beautiful event!
This event will come back in 2022 – be ready, stay connected !
Code / Art Research Program is very pleased to announce that the Canton du Valais is supporting us with the ArtPro grant for three years.
Thank you for believing in us!

Photograph by Emilie Gafner